Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I suppose I really didn’t know what to post about before, but now I do! Today I’m writing about what NGAMA (NYU Game Audio and Music Association, updated website coming soon hopefully) did yesterday (that would be Saturday, February 25th 2012): a Game Audio Jam! Read on if you’re intrigued.
Comments Off on Good book: C++ for Game Programmers
Mike Dickheiser’s book, C++ for Game Programmers is great. It covers everything I was curious about in C++ in a way that relates to game programming.
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According to the TorqueX documentation, at least.
The offending section is in the TorqueX Core Reference under the “SoundGroup” class section. Unfortunately you’ll have to just Ctrl-Find it, since the TorqueX Docs site doesn’t have any links to specific classes, unlike the nice Sun and MSDN API pages we’re all used to. Funny that GarageGames judges the ease-of-use of Microsoft’s tools while TGE 1.4 and its (lack of) documentation still haunts their past. Excerpt after the jump.